Tuesday, 30 March 2010
When the clocks change and we finally get those longer days I think it is safe to say there is a shift. More people are out and about, there is a new energy in the air and more and more people are up for drinks after work – a sure sign of the spring/summer season.. If there was every a time to get excited about your veg patch, sowing your vegetable seeds and getting started, now is the time.
We haven’t been in town for the past week so when we arrived back in London this weekend it was straight out into the garden. Due to the weather and this and that we have been slightly behind in our direct sowing, but with the raised beds prepped and seeds categorised by month (Stephen’s doing) this was the Sunday that we would sow the majority of our seeds for our summer crop.
You may remember from a previous post that we sowed our peas a few weeks ago, well sadly only two of our peas germinated from this original sowing so we decided to start afresh and sow awhole new set this time round. I am positive they will all germinaed this time and we’ll be popping peas out of thier pods in a couple of months. We also sowed our carrots, radishes, lettuce, spring onions, spinach and some more broad beans.

I still haven't done any direct sowing as it's far too wet here. I do have plenty of seedlings in the greenhouse though just waiting for the ground to dry out a little before they can be transplanted.
Nice one!
Are you planning to grow potatoes this year? I am struggling to decide whether to plant my seed potatoes today (Good Friday tradition) or if it is too cold and wet.
What do you think?
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