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Wednesday 13 January 2010

Everyone seems to be growing them and not wanting to be 'off-trend' we ordered three blueberry bushes at the start of January from Buckingham Nurseries. Very cost effective plants - I think it was under 15 squid for three includinging postage. However, we got a bit of a surprise when they arived in one small box. A kind of 'oh is that it?' moment. They're one-year old cuttings - about 6" tall - for some reason we were expecting something more bush-like. Although a little disappointed with their diminutive size, they look very healthy.

On the advice in one of Bob Flowerdew's books (The Gourmet Gardener) that I received as a lovely stocking filler from Nicholas and the BBC website's 'growing blueberries' page we've opted for two Herberts for their flavour and one Patriot for its vigour - all sounds a bit yankee-doodle to me, but as I said it's all about being on-trend. Apparently it's a very good idea to have a least two varieties to aid pollination.

We've saved the tips of our Christmas tree to mix in with eracatious compost and manure and will plant all three in an old cast-iron bath. Given the amount of space they have for the first few years, we should have space for a bit of companion planting - ideas welcome. They'll need transplanting eventually to 5' apart, but I suspect that will be in a few years. Don't expect an update anytime soon.


Kella said...

Hi just checking out your blog following your visit to mine.

What a great tip about saving the tips of the Christmas tree to mix in with my eracatious compost. I did this last year with cuttings from my neighbour's Leylandi tree.

My holiday tree is now sitting on the pavement awaiting the recycle truck, I'll go prune off some tips today before it is taken away.

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